Robots in Nuclear Industries

In the nuclear industry, humans are not able to withstand high levels of radiation without any adverse side effects. This is where I feel robots can come in and perform a niche role, to fulfil what humans are not able to do. In this industry, robots can perfrom different roles from maintenance work, such as simple manipulation or transportation of radioactive materials, disaster recovery at radioactive sites, and dismantling or assembly of nuclear weapons.

Semi Autonomous Robotic Manipulator

The core of a nuclear reactor is often located underwater and hence robots must be capable of underwater motion. One such example is of a robot developed in China by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is equppied with a vision system and capable of searching and operation. It also has a vacuum pump such that it can suck up small items for clean up purposes, and also equipped with a gripper to hold spanners or screwdrivers and can be utilized for maintenance or repairs.

China Nuclear Robot

Robots in such an industry could become increasingly more advanced such that they can become autonomous and for example, can carry out the daily tasks of running a nuclear reactor. I believe this will allow the removal of humans from the radioactive site and ensure that the safety of the workers at such a reactor is not compromised. In existing nuclear plants, the robots must be capable of stairs navigation and such a robot is developed in India, whereby it is six legged and capable of moving around and over obstacles. In my opinion, the robot from China is limited to certain places and not capable of complex navigation due to it being wheel-based.


Seah Qiong Feng Sean U036739M

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