ROBONOVA-I: Ballet-dancing robot

U0205233 Oh Ai Ni Irene
Edutainment robots have been developed over the decades. However, developing an edutainment robot from stratch is a difficult task for the amateurs and students, due to lack of hardware and programming expertise.
Hitec Robotics has released a full edutainment robot package named Robonova-I. It is a humanoid robot, which means its anatomy of the limbs and joints are designed to be as similar to the human body as possible. This means that it can perform many actions such as walking, running, doing flips, cartwheels and dance moves. This makes development of edutainment robots easy for students, researchers and hobbyists.
Developing a customized robot also requires the user to have adequate knowledge in robot programming. In this full robot package Robonova-I, the user can create operational functions with mouse click without knowing any robot programming language, with the supplied RoboScript programming software. RoboBasic is a programming tool based on the BASIC programming language and is provided For the more advanced users, RoboBasic, which is based on the BASIC programming lanaguage is provided.
In additional , there is a Catch & Play Function allows a simple way to program ROBONOVA-1. Using RoboScript or RoboBasic, the user can just move the robot into any position and click the mouse to "capture" that position. After that, the user can move the robot into another position and repeat the process as many times as desired. The software then links these "captured" positions and once activated, the robot's movements are transited smoothly through the captured sequences.
For a better insight on how the robot behave, check out the video above. It is surprisingly that even robots can dance ballet with ease and grace. And the more amazing thing is that one needs not be a rocket scientist to have fun with robots!