Robo Basho - robot arcade

Soon you will be able to battle it out with cute little robots for pocket change.

Robo Basho, invented by two former automotive engineers and their start-up Robotic Amusements is an arcade version of robot Sumo.

The game works like this: you have 4 ladybug-like robots safely inside a 4-foot plastic box arena. The human contestants put in their coins to control the robots from the outside.
When the robots are positioned in the fighting ring it raises up a few inches. Then the 'athletes' go after it - trying to push each other out of the ring. Sorry, no flames, sparks or flying metal pieces. I think they should add shooting sparks and smoke, or at least some loud crunching sounds.

It's not quite the scale of Robogeddon, but it could be fun.
Will it be a moneymaker?

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via robots dreams
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