
39cm in height and 2.5Kg in weight, Nuvo is a small and light home-use-type humanoid robot aimed being marketed as a daily life companion. With 15 degrees of freedom (6 for each leg, 1 for each shoulder and 1 for the head), this small robot can dance, talk, play music, tell time, click pictures and even shake your hand.
Nuvo is also equipped with joint angle sensors, rate gyro sensor and acceleration sensors to allow ZMP calculation and proper balancing. The infra-red sensors give feedback of the surroundings and saves the robot from banging into dead-ends. It is capable of walking at a speed of 3 metres a minute, can balance over a variety of terrains and can even stand up from a fallen position.

Nuvo's features don't just stop at walking, but it is also programmed to respond to a variety of voice commands from its owner. If you ask Nuvo to shake your hand it will walk over to you, and reach out its hand for you to shake. If you want it to move forward, you simply tell it to do so and it responses by walking forward with smooth human-like motion. You can also ask Nuvo to give you the time, play your favourite music or even take pictures for you with it's built in camera.
The Nuvo robot has been branded as a 'home robot', not only capable of entertaining you, but also of keeping an eye on your home when you are out, or even as a mobile baby monitor, by relaying pictures to your mobile phone on command via the internet using the IEEE802.11b wireless lan. It is has also been labeled as a home companion of sorts, offering a degree of verbal communication back to its owner through the pre-programmed female voice built in, as well as responding to commands in a similar way to a dog or a cat.

Post by: Nitin Batra U048708Y